Addiction Treatment Programs
Clearview is the first step on the road to recovery for individuals caught in dependency or addictive behavior. While their comprehensive program focuses mainly on alcohol or drug dependency, Clearview counselors also assist individuals with other addictive behaviors.
Clearview also provides treatment to individuals with a dual diagnosis, a mental or emotional condition that exists alongside the addictive behavior and may contribute to it. Clearview contracts with a psychiatrist to treat patients with depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorders and other conditions. Clinicians at Clearview are also trained in therapy regarding other disorders outside of addictions.
Clearview’s staff encompasses a wide range of specialties and responsibilities, all dedicated to meeting the specific recovery needs of each individual.
The clinical staff consists of Residential Clinicians, all of whom hold a master’s degree or higher from accredited programs.
The clinical staff consists of individuals from diverse training backgrounds to ensure individuals receive the individualized care they need. With offices located in the residential halls, these dedicated professionals conduct individual, group and family therapy, process groups, psychoeducational lectures, and other therapeutic activities daily.
Clearview also contracts with a psychiatrist and a psychiatric nurse practitioner, and employs a full-time nurse. These health care professionals provide psychiatric and medical treatment when necessary.
Certified Peer Support Specialists are also on staff, lending their unique perspective and hope to individuals on their road to recovery. Certified Peer Support Specialists not only have groups and one-on-one sessions with individuals, but also offer an aftercare group once a week for individuals that complete the program to attend. This allows for additional support after the program.
The administrative and support staff provide the necessary framework that assists in maintaining the clinical staff’s work on a 24/7 basis.
Clinical Assistants are on-site 24 hours to monitor and assist individuals under our care, manage medications, ensure resident safety and manage emergency situations.