Contact Us

#3 Clearview Circle
Moselle, MS 39459
Phone: 800-845-8918


This form is intended for general information regarding our facilities and is not monitored 24 hours a day.

If you have a medical emergency or crisis, call 911.

You should not rely on a response from our page for assistance.

Due to HIPAA regulations, we are not allowed to discuss any personal medical details or respond to any such requests. Please do not use this page to attempt to contact your provider to discuss medical issues.

Contact Us

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Anyone who believes that he/she has received unfair or inappropriate treatment because of race, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sex, age, handicap status, income, or any other reason has the right to make management aware of his/her concerns so that they may be addressed. Individuals can call the Clearview Compliance line at 1-601-544-1499 or get a written copy of the grievance procedure from the Clearview office in your community.